41 Smartest Decisions In Horror Movie History

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  7. 41 Smartest Decisions In

Because not every character in a horror movie is a total idiot.

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Avatar of @phelanmartin2581
The “sacrifice” in IT chapter 2 is a fundamental misunderstanding of the source material (as is most of the rest of the film) and the directors should never be allowed to touch any horror script again, let alone a King adaptation.
Avatar of @MalignantMF
Matias got his entire friend group killed. Pretty much every decision he mad was stupid. Movie would have never taken place if he had just learned sign language
Avatar of @dthomas4566
Your fuckin opening was too long
Avatar of @Stormy0474
Deborah Logan was not a relative of Mia. Mia reached out to Deborah’s daughter and paid to document the mother’s illness. Wow! Maybe you should try watching the movies you are talking about.
Avatar of @oddlidzzabmud2916
But Sally ignores all those rules in the newest remake and dies
Avatar of @beekeeperbrad6251
Natives didn't have dogs
Avatar of @noiwvernsonic1358
I think a pretty smart moment was Leo in Cadaver putting the mask on an employee who's attacking her, so the passing butcher thinks he is the guest and snaps his neck
Avatar of @sonesia40
I'll never understand why anyone would challenge the death sentence of a murderer
Avatar of @joeyboikly
“Needlessly naked” I needed that back in those days.
Avatar of @spyjack69
One I know is how mark hoffman escaped the newer reverse bear trap
Avatar of @inuchan74
Um, "playing possum" literally means to play dead.
Avatar of @usernamejace
Have you even seen unfriended: dark web?
Avatar of @TigerProStoica
I expected way more saw survivors in this video
Avatar of @DARK24-7
Rec=Quarantine? So is the u.s. a rip off of the original?
Avatar of @eztruth1
Joel is black...his head was on a swivel...
Avatar of @bshane1991
boy that intro just kept going didnt it...
Avatar of @kratosboy5557
And that My dear children is Why when Someone describes a place as Hunting grounds for a Serial Killer You get out of Dodge ASAP don’t be the “Let’s Split up” Morons with the Intelligence a Dead fly in fact no I’m sorry I didn’t mean that Comparing these Idiots flies is Generous to the Humans but cruel to the Flies
Avatar of @coutingmoneydisorder
i dont think youve watched these movies
Avatar of @cajohnson1234
Ok, why does everyone run upstairs, where there is NO way to escape out of the house up there!
Avatar of @crimsonhare
How could you be so wrong about paranormal activity. When all the movies are out and theyre connected.
Avatar of @crimsonhare
Searching is something I've been looking for forever
Avatar of @Jennythecatgirl
Concerning the ‘System Purge’ button in Cabin in the Woods - isn’t there usually a Big Red Button to push in stressful/seemingly hopeless situations?
Just a thought ❤❤❤
Avatar of @Thunder-acro
Sally didn't injure Leatherface, the truck driver caused him to injure himself. If you're going to give "spoilers ", at least make sure you're being accurate.
Avatar of @DoctorFrogMD
Sally doesn’t injure leather face, it was the truck driver who threw a spanner at his head
Avatar of @problematicgoose
The comments have "um, actually"ed the hell out of this video 😂
Avatar of @TayWoode
Joel wasn’t best friends with Randy, he was Gales cameraman, he left town coz he read what happened to her first cameraman who obviously didn’t leave as he wouldn’t expect to be killed. Also Joel leaving made him a suspect if he wasn’t seen anymore
Avatar of @shroomienotfound1440
4:51 or Head for the slaughterhouse; that is not the Sawyer family. Those are the Hewitts, an alternate to the Sawyers. The Leatherface in this movie is dubbed "Thomas Hewitt" who is given the backstory in TCM:The Beginning.
The Sawyer family features Bubba Sawyer as their Leatherface.
Avatar of @janicehummel8447
You know... if a few mistakes in a video about fake people is the worst injustice you encounter today, consider it a win.
Avatar of @PKF374
Yall need a dictionary. In the first segment the word "capitulates" is misused. Capitulate means surrender, but it is used to mean "happens". There are MANY other misused words in the script.
Avatar of @skylerpatrick23
Why does the list start at 10?!
Avatar of @christopherjackson9741
Why do y'all never mention Spit On Your Grave? Original & remake
Avatar of @bmj16955
Im going to need 20k from this page or youll hear from my lawyer real soon. At @38:44 they used a real vulgar word, and that word brought back memories of trauma.
Avatar of @RottenSloth93
Dont try to freeze the lock to break out. If your not trying to be quiet most locks will pop if you beat on them with another lock
Avatar of @boblovizio9213
Didn't Freddy end up getting Nancy right at the end anyway?
Avatar of @sebastien4908
Katie couldnt just pack up and leave in Paranormal Act. The demon Asmodeus was bound to her and her family, not her house
Avatar of @doclewis8927
I recently learned that some remakes are just done so the studios or the producers can keep the movie rights to a screenplay or actually the "story" & characters within the screenplay. Apparently, some contracts only give the studio/producer/director limited movie rights for however many years and the contract extends IF another movie is made or as long as movies are made from that initial STORY. When I learned that, it made more sense why so many "remakes" have been happening. Apparently, the general clause is approximately 10 to 20 years (in that range) so that explains a lot of those same old stories being retold. It's NOT the case for all of them but I did find it interesting that it is the case for several of them.

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