We made it!! Salem, Jack Skellington, the three fairies, and I have made it to the pumpkin patch!! This place is huge! There are so many pumpkins all over and ranging from all sizes! I am not even kidding! The largest pumpkin in the patch sits at the very center of the field. “We must check in with the owners here before we go snooping around!” Jack said to the us. We followed Jack to a large cabin that sat in the distance under a large maple tree. Wherever I was, this was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. If there was a place dedicated to Halloween, this was the place. As we approached the porch, Jack ushered us to the side so he could knock and introduce us to the owners. “Why hello there! It is I, Jack Skellington. I had reservations to stay here for a few days and I apologize I have arrived later than I had anticipated.” The young lady who answered the door spoke very softly. I wasn’t able to hear what was being said before the lady shut the door. Jack turned to us and let us know we are welcome to search the patch for as long as we like! In the meantime, Jack was going to head inside the cabin and prepare dinner with the cabin owners while we enjoy ourselves. I figured now would be the perfect time to update you all! I have finished my painting and I am so happy to be surrounded by these gorgeous orange pumpkins! I must look around for some stones so I can start my new painting. Have a beautiful night my friends. I am happy and safe…for now.