Knock at the Cabin (2023) Movie Review

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While vacationing, a girl and her parents are taken hostage by armed strangers who demand that the family make a choice to avert the apocalypse. Knock at the Cabin is the new film from M. Night Shyamalan based on The Cabin at the End of the World, a novel by Paul Tremblay. Knock at the Cabin stars Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Rupert Grint, Abby Quinn, and Kristen Cui. Should Knock at the Cabin be on your watchlist? Thanks for checking out my Knock at the Cabin (2023) Movie Review!

00:00 Intro and Review
06:39 Spoilers

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My couch rating system:
5 – A must-watch – do not pass this one up
4 – It’s really good, you should see it
3 – It’s OK – maybe good for a rental
2 – It’s not that good and I wouldn’t recommend it
1 – It’s terrible and I definitely don’t recommend it
0 – Cutting off a finger is better than watching this

#KnockAtTheCabin #MNightShyamalan #DaveBautista

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Avatar of @JurassicJoey17
I love Signs! I think that’s my favorite.
Avatar of @s.l.t8318
Enjoyed Unbreakable and split alot, was hyped about this but maybe will wait until digital release. Thanks for the review.
Avatar of @puspavelai8353
Twilight Zone vibes LOL! What happens, happens?! Liked the 'twist" in your own review! I feel, Mr M.Night 'Signs' was 'better' second time rewatch! 'Old' and The Village and The Happening types, once was enough!
Avatar of @br1878
My favorite is the Village. Yes, it’s deeply flawed in places, but it’s brilliant political/economic commentary.
Avatar of @Nostromo2144
Knock, knock. Who's there? Doctor...never mind - he doesn't make house calls.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
A little old lady.
A little old lady who?
Hey, you can yodel!

Avatar of @christopherzobel357
Great review ❤👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Avatar of @carolinemarie7495
As someone who read the book. His changes piss me off. Especially the ending. I want to know how your wife felt about it since she read the book.
Avatar of @LisaLoves
Really looking forward to checking this out on Saturday. It was really interesting to hear your thoughts.
Avatar of @Slothluvchunk79
My favorite would be Lady In The Water.
Avatar of @rozaydadon4425
I just don't see the need of films today having 2.3 even 4 trailers for a movie ..that's why movies of the past ( 70's 80's even 90's ) were so good cause of " not knowing" what the movie about in the trailer 🥴🤷🏾‍♂️
Avatar of @upgradED32
Just saw the movie.... it wasn't great but wasn't bad either. Felt like 2020 though and a movie I think people shouldn't watch at the theater cause it's not a feel good movie. It's amazing this movie exists cause it was probably made during the pandemic and who wants to experience this again after what took place in 2020. People should pass on this one.
Avatar of @Ejfabiszewski
I found it mediocre and I was expecting more.
Avatar of @bruh_hahaha
I also give it 3/5. A solid C grade. Great acting and camerawork but zero payoff for the slowburn we had to sit through. ☹️😖
Avatar of @ElijahisBatman87
Chris, you were dead on. For context, he is my favorite director and I've had to ride the wave of his ups and downs. But, he's always gone for it and that's what draws me to him. So, when I heard the premise of this one it quickly became my most anticipated of the year given many different outcomes we could have gotten. Driving home I was shrugging my shoulders and talking with my wife. It went EXACTLY how anyone watching the trailer would expect and I was so disappointed. Anyway, thanks for your hard work!
Avatar of @djalixer
Every M Night movie is insufferable. Even Sixth Sense. I knew the twist from the beginning in the first viewing on opening day. His work is unimpressive, idiotic and … insufferable.
Avatar of @MissAmazanda
I saw this last night and I feel like it was mediocre, the storyline was great but they just didn't seem to capitalize on it like they should have...One bright point in the movie though was Bautista was great....
Avatar of @carlhungus2521
If you ever do a review and that neon sign has a few letters busted out so it reads.."hell here" we will know that you were pushed through a window by Max Shreck, fell to your death but revived by cats and turned into catwoman.
Avatar of @XanBcoo
I really love Bautista but I don't think I can stomach an entire Shyamalan movie just for him
Avatar of @Ricardodiaz17762
I was underwhelmed and I only watched first trailer. Imagine watching all the trailers and expecting more. You would be so mad.
Avatar of @Anthonycheesman2024
I feel like lately m night feels like he has to explain everything a little too much .
Avatar of @djalixer
I just saw it. Horrible. I’ve never seen this before in a movie theater. People were packing up their things, ready to leave 10 minutes before movie finished.
Avatar of @skdesign98
Nice review although I think this is his best film since Split. I really enjoyed it. As I watched the movie I doubted throughout like the main characters whether the apocalypse was real or not and I liked that. Tremendous acting and cinematography.
Avatar of @fatsun8
Just finished watching, come to watch your review right away
Avatar of @williamrodgersjr3487
Signs is M. Night's underrated masterpiece
Avatar of @zeusbacchushades
Shyamalan usually disappoints me. Cabin in the Woods if probably a better movie. He's best film is the 6th Sense
Avatar of @whoog74
Best M movie? The Sixth Sense.
I really enjoy signs. Split is awesome. But, yeah, the Sixth Sense is his best work.
Avatar of @davidking4838
I agree the ending is a little flat, yet I find that I accept that. Not sure any sort of twist attempt would have worked......I give it three couches and a love seat.
Avatar of @owlbus14
His best work was “Split” for me! Such great acting & suspense.

Avatar of @Czech801
Trailer was good but the entire movie was a full crap. 1 out of 10. Just a waste of time and money.
Avatar of @masteronionnorth2341
I noticed that your purple plaid shirt matched the purple neon sigh in your background...
Oh, before I forget... Hello There... 😋
Avatar of @JukeHighwalker
It stunk. Needless insert of the director in an infomercial just before a pivotal setup instantly throwing away any built tension, horrendous "TV" editing and a terrible third act ultimately ending with a gay guy being the new Jesus. Talk about preachy...
Avatar of @moomoopuppy508
I would give it a 4 based on the story and acting...mostly Dave Bautista's performance. If anything the trailer spoils it all, but how would you make a trailer for this using just enough to sell it when the story is pretty simple overall? I'm glad it didn't follow the book to the end. I would have rated it as low as you have if not lower.
Avatar of @nataliazart
Spoilers: my question is Bautista's character was saying the truth or TV was just exaggerating things? Idk.
Avatar of @jpbaritugo4683
Your reviews are well thought through - keep ‘em coming!
Avatar of @queenkreviews1999
I completely agree with this review it was very honest, but right on the head, we all know M. Night has had trouble sticking his landing since the 6th sense. while this is better than Old it’s definitely not on the 6th sense level
Avatar of @bejaises1
1/5 snooze fest, plods along until the nothing ending
Avatar of @MaxHarden
I thought I had hearing loss until I stopped taking benzodiazepines and drinking alcohol, turns out my brain was weak.
Avatar of @rosmostdedicatedsoldier3187

as a queer person i actually really enjoyed this movie all the way through, i really was invested and i did get pulled in by the idea that they were being targeted and everything had been a lie, in the perspective of this world obviously i was hoping that the group had been lying and they were there to just torture them, but also in the perspective of the viewer i thought that it would have been a great chance to explore different allegories and metaphors about the hardships that queer people often face, i was excited to watch someone’s video essay about the possible meaning behind the metaphors created, and so it did take me by surprise that they had been telling the truth, i really wasn’t sure, but in hindsight i agree with you that it was a little lackluster
Avatar of @hopydaddy
The movie was OK but wish there was more to the story...
Avatar of @chrisretzlaff2895
I enjoyed quite a bit, and I found the explanations given to incidents happening on the news plausible, terrorists attacks and such. Second half of the movie was the twist, its way different then the book. I am glad I waited till streaming, its hard to go see Nights movies at the theater, it's kind of a coin flip.
Avatar of @Gorgie-lm1ti
I didn’t watch any trailer or at least that I can remember . Diffidently easy to follow but, sometimes I want an easy movie to watch with good acting and cinematography. Enclosing, This had a different effect on me and somebody going in already knowing the story hundred percent. I really liked it.

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