Knock at the Cabin (2023) Movie Review + SPOILERS

Knock at the Cabin (2023) Movie Review + SPOILERS

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is M Night Shyamalan more of a hit or a miss for you?

Intro 00:00
Spoilers 07:00


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Avatar of @eileen2theleft189
I thought it was Pg13 haha. Really did not like the movie adaptation. The book was so much better, agree.
Avatar of @walterwalker7724
I feel like he wanted a more hopeful ending and story over the book.
I think there was an interview where him and the author talked about it
Avatar of @MadisonEstes
I think M Night thinks changing the ending was a twist. SPOILER WARNING: Since the theme of the book is about fear mongering and the destructiveness of religious fanatics, making it clear the religious fanatics were actually right is the (rather weak) twist. Although it unfortunately annihilates the whole message of the book and actually preaches the opposite of the book. It feels tone deaf to me while living in a country where Christianity is being weaponized by fanatics who try to strip away human rights in the name of God to make the religous fanatics correct, especially since the answer involves killing one of the people in a gay couple to restore the natural order and prevent the end of the world. It took the "bury your gays" trope to the next level, and I usually don't care about politically correct BS, but this felt so tone deaf to me that it was kind of hard to ignore. Plus the fact that M Night messed up the message of the story for the sake of a twist ending...I think this is one of the worst book to movie adaptations I've ever seen. A straightforward adaptation with the same ambiguous ending would have been so much better.
Avatar of @shannonkahermanes6080
My boyfriend read a joke saying Bautista was dead the whole time and went into the movie thinking that was a spoiler… and we both thought of all these crazy twists. I thought the end would have been similar to Old and he thought Bautista was someone that the husband with the gun killed and that the 4 were ghosts. We still loved this movie. 100% did not have to be R rated. It was my favorite movie of his. No one builds tension like M Night lol.
Avatar of @mayasixtus1573
I went into this movie blind of the original story...It didn't work for me. I was not attached to anyone but Wei, and they told us right away that she wouldn't be hurt. The story said there was tension, but since it was utterly straightforward, I was not tense.
Avatar of @Wraiven22
Well, just finished. As a gay man, I hated this movie, genuinely. What was the message? I mean even IF the people were right to have them do this, what kind of God is that? Why would we want to appease a sick, evil God like that? I would have respected this movie so much more of it turned out they were wrong; that there was no real threat. I’m actually pissed off after watching that.
Avatar of @bettymakesclub8011
When we left the theater I said to my boyfriend “there was no twist” 😂 i did like the movie, I hadn’t read the book but hearing what happens now I do agree with you that would have been better. My boyfriend actually predicted that to happen for the movie even though he never read the book.
Avatar of @mrs.ericalaurenhornmason3825
Knock at the cabin. Movie 🎥 I love ❤️ it💋💘💖💜👼🏻🙏🏻👼🏿
Avatar of @denise225576
I didnt read the book and i didn’t care for this movie. The movie felt like it had no purpose
Avatar of @michaelangst6078
I thought the movie was total shit honestly. Would have been ok if it was his original story in terms of creativity at least
Avatar of @shineon716
I did not love this movie. The book is great; movie…very meh. I wasn’t super thrilled with the casting decisions either. Dave Bautista didn’t really do it for me as Leonard. I had a moment when I looked away from the tv for a moment when Eric (Jonathan Groff) was speaking and all I heard was Kristoff from Frozen 😂 I think he played Eric really well, I just couldn’t shake the Kristoff thing lol
Avatar of @kellycorbit7260
I think that the Shyamalan twist is the total divergence from the book. Hated the excessive exposition. Loved the book, so despite the enjoyable performances from all the actors, i was disappointed.
Avatar of @lukemeister64
Watched the first half of this when you posted it. Stopped when you got to book spoilers. Having JUST finished the book, came immediately back to this. I 100% agree with everything you said. I saw the movie first, loved it, so read the book (mainly because you recommended it) and loved the book even more! You’ve turned me into a reader again. Next up is The Deep by Nick Cutter.
Avatar of @MultiParallelGirl
Watched this yesterday and I dunno I thought it was lame 😬 i havent read the book. I was hopeful while watching the beginning credits because I loved the imagery of the drawings on the different papers etc. But i thought the acting was lame for the most part..the story kinda fell flat for me..there was some tension but for me it was overall just eh. When it ended I was like that's it??
Avatar of @marcyanne8910
From what I understand of the book, haven not read it, if Adriene saw Wen die and decided to stop the mission and killed Leonard and then Sabrina sacrificed herself, it might have been a better movie for me. They tried to keep if vague for the first few minutes of them all introducing each other, I believed them not fully explaining meant that they were lying. We saw the bar in a flashback and Andrew getting stitches, which made me believe that's where they all met. I also think the bar fight scene had both the harry potter actor and another guy to confuse us.
Avatar of @marcyanne8910
TBH im tired of people who need to make sacrifices for something like the apocolys being random people. Like if the god of the earth told a bunch of humans to sacrifice themselves to save humanity, like for what? Why them? To test their morality and loyalty to god? I would think a god would ask a truly awful person to sacrifice them self. and if they didnt it would be horrible things on the earth. like that makes sense to me.
Avatar of @pen91un
I haven't read the book and I really enjoyed the film. I do think the apocalyptic imagery was really haunting and agree that there film would have benefited from more gore.
Avatar of @Fallen_Angel_AA
The movie should've ended with Wen and Andrew leaving in the car, the whole diner scene just ruins it, the ambiguity, the tragedy, it all gets ruined by it. I was also very disappointed by the lack of gore, that took away from the intensity of those scenes, I would've sworn this was PG-13 until you said this had an R rating. I totally agree with Tremblay, the whole point was rejecting this horrible god, demanding terrible sacrifice, what kind of god would have Wen die and still not consider it enough?
Avatar of @JTONDINI
I expected something more intense and I watched a movie that made me think "if christians had the balls to make a christian horror movie... mayyyyyyybe this could be that movie".
Avatar of @nicolepisa26
I never read the book, but for me it was one of those where the trailer was better and more exciting than the movie. I had high expectations too, and expected some sort of twist! And wow, Wen dying wouldve definitely added more to the film!
Avatar of @Topdoggie7
I can't be the only one who feels like the message of killing one mans lover saving the whole world feels a little bury your gays and mean. It just felt like a very cruel version of the book which was about two gay men overcoming everything that was thrown at them. They had been through a lot together and they had managed to adopt a child and have a life. But then the movie goes and says yes killing one gay man saves the World why couldn't it have been him killing one of the other people saving the world instead?

It felt like it was down to one of the gay men dying no matter what just to save the world and it felt very against them. In the book they even say that it was a homophobic driven siege.

So technically in the movie the homophobes win. 🤢
Avatar of @matthewlovelady8944
Just watched the movie but never read the book. The movie was mostly intriguiging in the beginning but seemed kind of predictable as it progressed. Was one of m nights better movies imo but not amazing. I think ending the movie with more suspense would have left me questioning after it was over. Maybe andrew driving away in the end alone and wondering if he had just imagined everything in his head even tho i figured that was going to be eric in the end not knowing if it was the concussion imagining everything and k*lling his own family. I think there couldve been several different storylines that would have left viewers in more of a wtf did i just watch response.
Avatar of @spacepope87
Book emding sounds lazy.

If it's still showing you news clips of ehe world essentially ending but the book end is vague, then it's being a lazy cop out.
Avatar of @hopehurley1151
i haven't read the book and i was absolutely confused throughout watching. even with the answer given i was like "what the fuck is happening?"
Avatar of @indigo...
im sorry, but i think this movie was not that interesting. It ended and I went, "that's it?". Like Leonard dying was impactful and he was interesting, but the other three didnt change anything really. And after Eric dying it was sunshine and rainbows, the end.
The questions I wanted answered weren't, and the questions I didn't care to ask were shoved at me multiple times.
flop at the cabin 4/10
Avatar of @peep4254
I actually loved that it was straight forward I hated the ambiguity in the mist
Avatar of @jayvansickle7607
I, for one, was glad that the ending wasn't ambiguous. I haven't read the book (so, that probably allowed me to enjoy it more). I thought it was a really good movie, and thought Bautista did a great job.
Avatar of @gokhan4461
10:03 this is the face of somebody who's about to spoil the book
Avatar of @walterwright8454
I thought they needed to make their decision on who to sacrifice before the 4 Horsemen die.
Avatar of @walterwright8454
The audience would have crucified him if he killed the kid in the movie.

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