Knock At The Cabin – A Polished Turd

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Comics Corner #5 | The Eastrail 177 Trilogy | Unbreakable, Split, & Glass

Connor and Harry discuss M. Night Shyamalan’s deconstruction of American superhero comics, The Eastrail 177 Trilogy: Unbreakable (2000), Split (2016), & Glass (2019).

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Avatar of @evanthesquirrel
I didn't get that impression at all. Frankly I was happy to see two gay men portrayed as rich self centered assholes who's selfishness bring about the apocalypse. Their unwillingness to sacrifice ANYTHING is the heart of the homosexual agenda. My wife and I thought it was a biting critique of the modern gay man.
Avatar of @AncientRylanor69
Avatar of @Greed70
7:25 in an interview Quentin Tarantino says that he uses this process.
Avatar of @Gianfranco_69
There are quicker,cheaper and far easier ways to tell the world that "Christianity is Shorthand for mental illness" ... Holyweird is gunning real HARrRrrd for Jesus
Avatar of @mtheory176
Absurd and boring. Senseless writing.
Avatar of @darrensteele3365
Signs is excellent. The rest not so much.
Avatar of @Crapcarp555
Is this supposed to be M. Night's analogue of "Cabin in the Woods"? That's what immediately came to mind when you described the premise.
Avatar of @damianalejandro6959
Shyamalan ruined my childhood
Avatar of @manicpixiefangirl4189
Here’s an ending: The couple says “screw the world” and escapes, only for one of them to suddenly get killed in a car crash or something. Now they’re stuck with the end of the world and one of them is dead anyway. THE END.
Avatar of @PhotriusPyrelus
5:00 The only moral choice is to not murder. I cannot control the actions of demons or other weird supernatural entities. I can only control my own actions. If because of my action (or inaction) other people or creatures choose to commit atrocities, I am not morally responsible. I am only morally responsible for my own actions. Saying it is selfish to not-murder is like saying it's selfish to not pay a kidnapper's ransom.
Avatar of @QuentinKarentino
was interested in this until i read it was a girl and her two dads, sounds super cringe.
Avatar of @SympatheticStrawmanVA
I got shown the trailer by force before a video I actually wanted to watch, and I could tell just from that trailer that it was going to be chock full of woke messaging.
Avatar of @karllager2214
He's a trash filmmaker
Avatar of @wrayday7149
I'm all about that Cabin in the Woods ending.
Avatar of @linthitmyo8969
I don't get this movie. There are four people who came here to stop the apocalypse by begging two gay dudes to kill themselves? And when they don't do that the four people started to suicide themselves. I am like why? Are you delaying the apocalypse? If your dead is causing this apocalypse maybe don't kill yourself? There is nobody forcing you, you have kids and family to go back to. There is no horror in this. It's just too stupid and boring to watch. If you ever thought about watching this, don't. It's a waste of your time.
Avatar of @mentalward718
A gay couple causes the end of the world essentially, pretty based
Avatar of @monk3110
Idk if I’d still agree but I recall really enjoying the village
Avatar of @captc0ck5lap60
Lady in the Water and The Happening were such absolute dog-water I think Tumbler furry fan fiction written by a manic 14 year old would have made a better movie.
Avatar of @sjhoff
Saw the trailer featuring a gay couple, yeah not interested at all..........walked away. M. Knight Shameful.
Avatar of @RandomNPC001
Who keeps funding M. Night’s projects?!
Avatar of @sidblack7753
What I got from this film was gay arrogance cost lives!
And their “pride”
Avatar of @lindinle
2:35 so a knock off of cabin in the woods.
Avatar of @robh3007
If I went to a theater and forked over $18 to see this, I'd be pissed. Thanks Lotuseaters for watching it so I wouldn't have to.
Avatar of @voltirsilent
Avatar of @SniffBackBetter
As soon as I saw the ridiculous tickbox "one of each diversity" family in the trailer, I knew it'd be garbage.
Avatar of @helenahandbasket1489
Well they can repopulate the world...oh wait.
Avatar of @christopherkelley1664
Signs was entertaining. It would make more sense if it was a small invasion rather than a global one. I can imagine a small group of aliens who are allergic to water taking risks and exploiting a planet covered in water, but a big invasion is weird and makes the aliens seem stupid.
Avatar of @Dollar_Store_Cacodemon
Ending gets changed from the book so that the gays get to save the world. Unbearably woke. Film wasn't all that good really, felt mostly disappointed. Just happy I torrented it and didn't waste any money.
Avatar of @darkzak47
This movie is a result of M. Knight putting the biggest progressive sausage in his mouth that he could come up with.

The result is a terrible insipid wasteful uninspired pile of crap that is so far from what interesting and entertaining concepts that M. Knight used to be able to do
Avatar of @DankyDankenstein
“Gay people are narcissists and only care about themselves.” -M. Night, probably
Avatar of @remyatempest6700
Spoilers: This movie was actually pretty good, a solid 4 out of 5. Ppl so caught on dumb stuff, the point of the Harry Potter actor who attacked the gay dude in the bar, was to throw off the viewers to think it was something else. Also, they imply that there are "rules" which isnwhy they cant leave, I mean you dont have to spell everything out, its implied that aomething bad like the end of the world would happened if they didnt kill themselves. Hes been doing his thing lately, I enjoyed Old as well
Avatar of @jeffersonhassan4558
What progressive messaging?
Avatar of @angeliquemichael228
Someone did sacrifice himself to save the world. Jesus.

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