*KNOCK AT THE CABIN* almost made me cry! | Movie Reaction

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first time watching knock at the cabin!

Buy BC Film’s Burn Book here my fellow Canadians:

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Avatar of @packedentertainment2866
The acting is great in this movie
Avatar of @videohistory722
The whole thing was a hate crime orchestrated by Redmond to get back at them for putting him in jail.


Redmond was the only one of the group who wasn't doing it for someone he loved. Instead he was the one that rounded everyone up from that online server and fucked with them to convince them to do it. He was the only one that knew they were gay. He even called himself Redmond to taunt them with the name of the city he attacked them in!

The news reports were doctored, well known to be something people will do to convince vulnerable people of something of this magnitude.

How? Like this:

The first reports made a point to say everyone had already been evacuated. Since the report was on something that only happened 4 hours ago, that would mean people were given an emergency evacuation warning. Which someone could easily look up or see on the news.

The virus already existed before any of them even arrived at the cabin.

In the tsunami footage, the tide didn't pull away from the beach, and no one ran away until seconds before it allegedly hit, even as the wave was forming right in front of them.

700 plane crashes, complete with footage of them going down in ways that are not physically possible for an airplane? I don't think so. Most airplane accidents occur upon takeoff or landing. NOT mid-air. Yes, yes, I know. What about the one they saw when they went outside? You just answered yourself: they saw ONE plane crash. Not to mention, it crashed in an area with a high survival rate.

Again, literally any weather phenomena they experience can be easily tracked by weather reports. It also implies just how long Redmond had to have been stalking them, just to know when exactly they would be there and what the weather was going to be like when they got there.

And right at the end, when they're watching the news reports in the diner: all of them were coming from places where those disasters would've happened anyway.

And you know the saddest part? The guy got what he wanted and got away with it.
Avatar of @brandonb.5304
Love Dave Bautista and Jonathan Groff, but the religious fundamentalist point of view on the end of the world is just...uh, not my thing. Been done to death and my motto is: if there is a god, any god that would mandate human sacrifice and suffering in order to appease some sick test of faith is not a god I want to worship. Fuck that. Love your videos, though!
Avatar of @andrewgil4843
BECKYYYY YASSS i always be waiting for your drops 😭😭💗💖
Avatar of @chichiibegbu6223
Hey Bestie!!! Sorry I have been MIA lately… been really busy and just celebrated my birthday yesterday 🎂. I look forward to watching your videos again; I miss them and you ❤️
Avatar of @TheUnknownDJ.
The movie was sad to me but it was good
Avatar of @brianshepherd9740
Thanks so much, #FilmFreakBecky, for uploading this awesome movie reaction. Your content is absolutely amazing, and I love watching your reactions to different TV shows and movies because they are so entertaining.
Avatar of @SkolneyVikings
If Dave Bautista were your dad then your name would be Becky Bautista. Which is a cool name.
Avatar of @thesmokypurr
Egg tip #69 Don't overcook egg
Avatar of @germaneulmer
Hey can I get a early Birthday shout-out
Avatar of @videohistory722
The book ending was even sadder.

The fight in the bathroom ended with the gun going off, and hitting the daughter, killing her.

And because it wasn't a real sacrifice, it didn't count.

So they say "fuck it" and refuse to do it again.
Avatar of @Ellie-i7q-t5w
Congratulations on getting a sponsor! You deserve it, girl.

I didn't like Batista as a wrestler, but dang, Dave Bautista is a good actor. Please react to more movies of his.
Avatar of @zombiespongebob6903
💖U , hahaha we need to do something about that knot in the cord on your right earphone.
Avatar of @kennethramsey5444
This movie was amazing like I didn’t think it was going to be all that but damnnn I lied😭🤣I’m sorry M night 😭🤣🤣🤣I take it back also BECKYYYYY❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Avatar of @connorghering
I have no problem calling Bautista Daddy😂😂! Love the video and the Burn Book is really funny. It’s comedy is very close to your style lol
Avatar of @OceanPictures
You've convinced me to snag a copy of the Burn Book it sounds like a riot! Love your humor Beck!!!
Avatar of @gwell2118
I love this film and hope for it’s longterm success as I will always support my boy Shyamalan 😌. On side note Baustista I think will do fine after marvel.
Avatar of @asian-americanwithanopinio8954
It used to be mandatory to include opening title, until Star Wars broke the rule
Avatar of @asian-americanwithanopinio8954
I haven't seen "Kiki's Delivery Service" since 2005
Avatar of @asian-americanwithanopinio8954
Homophobic comments like "Since when do gays go in the words" are by people in a bubble. They only know what's their immediate family, the school, and what they see on TV because that's where we get our culture and why Asians are seeking more representation. Until recently we'd been left out of American culture for the most part, thus enabling racism and stereotypes to breed in all echoes of life from the rich to the poor. Plus if the person saying dumb comments has a Gen X for a mom, it's possible she was drinking while pregnant. There's no official test on mothers who drank while pregnant, but Gen X were at the height of gangster rap and underage drinking in the 90's and underage pregnancies, but I know women who have told me they drank while pregnant hoping it'd miscarriage, but instead now they're stuck with an unruly offspring that doesn't respect them, and no one wants to admit why. I hate people btw.
Avatar of @asian-americanwithanopinio8954
I read Dave Bautista almost didn't take this role because he was scared he couldn't pull it off
Avatar of @asian-americanwithanopinio8954
I like your twisted dad getting his daughter back motive
Avatar of @asian-americanwithanopinio8954
Maybe you're overcooking the eggs. My secret for scrambled eggs is adding a spoonful of parmesan cheese, while scrambling. Then cook. Then add salt/pepper.
Avatar of @asian-americanwithanopinio8954
Dave Bautista is the only wrestler turned actor I like (So far), The Rock is 2nd
Avatar of @asian-americanwithanopinio8954
Dave Bautista was approached for this role because of his acting/role in "Blade Runner 2049" which is the same film that made me look at him as a serious actor and made him a favorite. Guardians of the Galaxy is funny, but I like him in these other roles.
Avatar of @asian-americanwithanopinio8954
I saw this in the theater. I hear the ending of the book is different, it's more open to interpretation. They never confirm if what they said was happening was true, whereas in the movie they show that bad stuff is happening. So, the book is more supsenseful because even up to the end, you never know if they were just crazy cultists or part of something larger telling the truth. Kind like "The Vanishing" (1988) in the sense the suspense never confirms anything. In fact the ending was so scary that Stanley Kubrick says it's the scariest film he'd seen and he called up the director to tell him that. The American remake of "The Vanishing" like "Knock at the Cabin" confirm too much and take away from the suspense, but I still like "Knock at the eCabin", bu the "Vanishing" remake I'll pass.
Avatar of @nadeeml9276
Another great and funny reaction! While I 'liked' the movie I feel like (and im not a filmmaker lol), but I feel like they could have worked a bit more on the tension of 'is it real vs. is it a hoax/mental illness/cult raving'. They didnt give it away but it was pretty easy for the audience to figure out pretty early on that it was in fact real. I was also kinda expecting and wished that there was a twist after the ending a la M. Night Shyamalan. I dont know what it could have been though. After fade to black the camera zooms out and a billion letters, numbers and characters fly by and we end up on a computer screen. A group of scientists and psychologists are standing behind a glass looking at three forms hooked up to crazy cables and wires - all in rem sleep. And it's like, just some matrix-like experiment, lol. I can theorize too lol. Anyway, looking forward to the next one
Avatar of @phillstanford6036
I think you have to give Dwayne Johnson The Rock the title of heat wrestling actor but Bautista grew on me alot... this channel needs more subscribers ppl are missing out on legendary hilarious content lol
Avatar of @circlenowsquared
I knew you would watch this for Bautista, so I was so excited when it finally showed up on my feed!
Avatar of @skyrushyesminderaserno1150
Unreal suspense, great acting especially from Dave, but it wasn’t my favorite. I hope you’re looking forward to Cocaine Bear coming up
Avatar of @BigJT246
I put Adobo in my eggs lol
Avatar of @mechamangomezave8366
Amazing editing!!! It’s a good movie, you never disappoint, I love your reaction, you are so hilarious and beautiful and congratulations on getting a sponsor 🎉❤
Avatar of @andrewgil4843
Avatar of @sangeethas379
Please react to pitch perfect movies,John tucker must die, hairspray, vicious kind,someone great etc since you love actress Brittnay snow( especially pitch perfect movies people love that and she is more popular after her role in that)
Avatar of @TheMultiRockstar
Put some adobo on those eggs girl. Adobo 👌🏽
Avatar of @JojoB-fy9qp
hey girl:-) I gotta admit I'm kida spamming with this comment, because I'm only here to ask(as this movie is not my cup of teea) > When will you react to shadow and bone season 2 ?? I'm missing your content about your hubby aka Ben Barnes!
I need the dish!:D - I hope you do consider to react to s2 :3 even if not making separate videos for every episode, just a summary! :*
Avatar of @farlonmuentes6004
people who say things like that doesn't think things through. he rather have them all 3 walk the earth alone and leave their daughter all by herself after they're dead? that is torture for life. if i make that decision, i know that my kid will resent me for the rest of their life.
Avatar of @ChrisWilliams-kq9qq
Oh great another young person watching themselves watching a movie wanting people to watch them Hawking during the movie looking at the camera making sure you're giving that right facial expression so people think you actually feel real emotions and of course you would cry at a science fiction movie it makes sense
Avatar of @brianjones6721
2:05 BOI
Avatar of @VGMR
15:19-15:53 | Firstly, smother enough butter into a skillet so it's smoother when applying yolk. Secondly, stir the egg yolk with or without extra ingredients (e.g., salt, pepper, or whatever) until it's totally liquid before pouring it into the skillet. Thirdly, cover the skillet so one side of the yolk cooks before flipping it over. Fourthly, flip the other side to finish cooking the yolk and then turn off the stove. Congratulations, you've finally made superior eggs that could now be enjoyed either in full or divided into parts! Also, please don't forget you could still cook eggs without the yellow yolk to make cooked albumen (egg white)! It's a different experience both ways but now you know what to do! Eggs are very healthy and don't always have taste unflavored!
Avatar of @Jordzyi1
Your dad is in this ?, is that a joke or ?
Avatar of @IAmHavok
12:40 weeeeeeell..
In the book that this is loosely based on (The Cabin at the End of the World) Wen does in fact die and its by accident so she died for nothing 😭😭😭😭😭

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