This movie is what happens when M. Night Shyamalan hears that a novel is unfilmable and takes that as not just a challenge, but an invitation. What we got is move where Dave Bautista cries through some of the most awkward and cringe moments ever put to film.
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Giat Water Fist = War. Maybe as a refrence to water and earth as powerful elements both linked to life, but who are otherwise being compleatly diffrent, and the giant water fists are something better akin to Kiogre vs Groudon, but only having it reffrence 1 of the 4 mystical elements
Super Flue = Pestilance for sure, but element wise, unless you cout virus as "Nature" and therefore, in a roundabout way making it earth rather thain air i don't know how to properly add this piece to the puzzle i'm currentlt trying to help you all solve
Falling Planes = Famine, kind of. If you know how supply chain work world wide, and how they are single handdedly responsible for keeping "Western" civilisation from collapsing under the weight of its demand for food and other products, then planes falling from the sky makes sence, especially if they just so happen to land on roads and traintracks (but that wasn't added in the reports on the movie, so i'll keep it as amuted point). Also, falling planes Air duh.
Neverending Lightning = Lightning strikes you, very unlikely that you'll come out alive, so yeah Death. Also to those who haven't watched avatar the last airbender the animated series
and then you'll get why lightning = fire
and that's my best defence for M "Never do a movie again please, for all our sanities" Shaymalan choice on enterpreting the 4 major plagues in this movie
sure it isn't perfect
but then again
neither is the movie
Congrats M! In addition to continuing to vilify the mentally disabled, you created a movie in which a gay family needs to be destroyed in order to save the world.
This movie was originally based on a book called The Cabin at The End of the World and in the book the four people who show up at the cabin are actually there against their will. Like, there are numerous points throughout the story where they're trying to actively combat their own urges to follow through with this plan of sorts and because the book is in part shown from their points of view, you actually know that its an otherworldly force taking hold of them in order to make them carry out the apocalypse. What also makes this so interesting in the book is that the disasters within the book are much more coincidental, such as reports of several tsunamis and plane crashes appearing on the News, but not being overt if that's actually caused by the deaths of the visitors. So because of this, it's ambiguous if this is actually part of the apocalypse, or if it's more so a bunch of coincidences that happen to make it seem like the apocalypse is occurring. The biggest difference between the book and the movie is that Wen actually dies by an accident in the book which drastically alters the ending of the movie where instead of one of the fathers taking their life to stop the apocalypse, they determine that even if an apocalypse is actually occurring that it would be pointless to stop it because whatever god is causing this did this to their daughter and therefore, they don't want to make a higher power succeed. It's a very bleak and nuanced story which I feel isn't given proper justice in the movie.
If any of you are interested in hearing more about the book, Amanda the Jedi did a fantastic comparison between the two.
I'm amazed I haven't heard people trying to cancel it
Only, this is only barely Shyamalan at all because it's based on a book, and only the changed ending really belongs to him.
Honestly, Gus, you should have done at least enough research to know about the source.
The only way for the conflict to be fixed is for a gay man to make a biblical sacrifice and kill his own husband. There’s no good way of slicing that resolution. And the fact that the movie tries so hard to be like “Nono this isn’t because of homophobia at all!” Just makes it so goddamn pretentious.
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