Knock at the Cabin is…NOT BAD! | Movie REVIEW | Dave Bauti…

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Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, M. Night Shaymalan” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen>

< iframe course =" video_frame" size =" 100 %" elevation="450" src="" title =" Knock at the Cabin is … NOT BAD!



00:00:00 Intro.
00:01:01 What's This About?
00:02:28 The Positives!
00:02:40 M. Night's Best Since Split.
00:03:20 The Cast.
00:07:33 Cinematography and Score.
00:09:31 The Negatives …
00:09:41 Writing Issues.
00:10:49 Exposition and Pacing.
00:12:37 Story is … Dull.
00:14:43 Final Thoughts!

Supervisor: M. Night Shaymalan.

Starring: Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge, Kristen Cui and Nikki Amuka-Bird.

I evaluated this very early for evaluation, many thanks to Universal Pictures and Moroch!


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" Knock at the Cabin" strikes movie theaters Feb. 3, 2023!

#knockatthecabin #mnightshyamalan #ReelJames

” Knock at the Cabin” is the most recent M. Night Shaymalan film, starring Dave Bautista and Jonathan Groff. Well … I’ll clarify why it ISN’T poor in my spoiler-free testimonial of “Knock at the Cabin”! Allow’s obtain begun! THAT 90S SHOW REVIEW!.

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Avatar of @ReelJames
What’s your FAVORITE M. Night movie?!
Avatar of @shannondore
That's a shame about Rupert Grint. After seeing the trailer he was one of the reasons I wanted to see it. I love him! He's great in 'Servant' and of course the Harry Potter movies.
And even though I hated 'Old' I did think Nikki Amuka-Bird was very good in it so I was glad to see her as well.
I'll definitely check it out. 'Sixth Sense' and 'Split' are my favorite M. Night movies.
Avatar of @movieguynathan
I am not usually a fan of his, but I really enjoyed it. 2nd best one in my book. First is Unbreakable!
Avatar of @hayleypaul7976
I'm from England and went to see it last night. I came out the cinema scratching my head thinking what the hell. I thought the twist at the end was going to be Andrew killing Eric
Avatar of @kaosaelee3322
So adorable Wen" remind me of my siblings. 💛 In the movie #knockinthecabin people so sensitive the movie is not even focused on gay couples it's about a family and apocalypse 🧡
Avatar of @ChillyBoyProductions
Great review! I had hope that this could be good but the messaging or lack of clear focus in the message rubbed me really wrong lol I had to make a second video on why I didnt vibe lmao But yeah, the performances are great!

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