Knock at the Cabin – Movie Review

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From Director and co-writer M. Night Shyamalan comes Knock at the Cabin, based on the book by Paul Tremblay, about a couple who are forced to make a decision which could bring about the apocalypse.

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Avatar of @jerrywalls3402
Thank you. I know what I'm doing this weekend!
Avatar of @gonzaloegonzalez8106
Dave Batista in the trailers sold me to see this. It's like John Coffey was actually as nuts people said he was.
Avatar of @TheBrianJ
I'm happy to see so many people saying Dave Batista is great in this. He's been a fantastic actor even back in his wrestling days, I'm glad he's really branching out to show off what he can do.
Avatar of @movies_are_life
I appreciate a film like this that keeps you involved by constantly making you think about not only where the film is leading, but also how the script unfolds.
Avatar of @samuelherrera2318
Bautista held gold in wrestling....he's gonna hold gold in acting...
Avatar of @storywala88
Very well said. Even more intrigued to check this out.
Avatar of @jasonjimerson7046
That thumbnail... cringey!
Avatar of @milestrombley1466
All the characters are morally gray in this film, which makes it interesting. They have no choice what they have to do.
Avatar of @erniemendoza36
It's better than Lady In The Water...
Avatar of @justinlane1980
I’m going to see this tomorrow, and was kinda nervous. Thank you Brad for setting my mind at ease!
Avatar of @jeffmartin5066
I like the movie a lot but I thought the ending was a little anticlimatic. Plus it felt more faith-based than the devil conspiracy... Which is an actual faith based movie, right? Still not sure on that tho...

It's hard to talk about this movie without spoilers because that's pretty much the only thing to talk about... Are they crazy or are they for real? And then once the movie answers that at the end you're kind of like "....oh... Ok" lol.
Avatar of @EmberMcLain87
I'll just wait for Redbox or streaming. Hate sitting in a theater for 2+ hours
Avatar of @louisduarte8763
Nostalgia Critic will rip up this one, I can feel it.
Avatar of @SpeedyEric1
I'll wait until the Nostalgia Critic reviews it.
Avatar of @wyattpowers4707
Def like this way more than OLD
Avatar of @ajallen128
The books ending is way better, they pulled all the teeth out of this story tbh.
Avatar of @RobotNinja01
I read the book and it turned me off of the movie. But I might still see it. Im assuming Bautista is Leonard so the fact he pulled off the nice caring guy is good to hear. The book really makes you believe that he believes which gives a real feeling of sympathy. But if the movie follows the book closely its gonna be a tough watch, because it was a tough read.
Avatar of @MarioBario
I read the book that it's based off of and it's a pretty solid book, but I would change the book's ending.
Avatar of @theautisticfilmmaker1944
Knock at the Cabin will be the greatest M Night Shyamalan movie since between The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and Signs.
Avatar of @timd3469
The two guys are a couple? Sounds kinda gay.
Avatar of @rebelyell1983x
Forgive me... but is Brad only doing One Cinema Snob episode per month now?
I feel like I miss an announcement.
Avatar of @knightnday10
Glad that Big Dave got a role that showed off his acting chops and it wasn't one of the really not good Shyamalan movies. Thanks!
Avatar of @jasonhunter2819
If Shyamalan didn't have the ego to be a writer-director I really do think he'd be known as one of the best working cinematographers. For all that his movies may be whiffs based on the writing and dialogue, they always look fantastic and if he devoted himself to that full time I think he would still be a well known name
Avatar of @ddjsoyenby
this looks great.
Avatar of @catalinamelo9932
I won't watch this video because I have to yet watch the movie but your YT preview images are becoming funnier and funnier. You actually remind me of a spanish popular radio star. xDD
Avatar of @DJ-wl5qo
I'm mostly just seeing this to watch Dave Bautista act his ass off as a crazy religious loon. He's great.
Avatar of @aaronkindig8016
Shamylambadingdongalan doing some Jar Jar Abrams lens flares
Avatar of @harrydresden64
Please do a review for the 1999 film "Wild Zero" - it is a comedy/horror film where part of the cast is made up of a Japanese rock group called Guitar Wolf. It sounds enjoyably bizarre, but can only be found on DVD and am not sure if I should buy it...
Avatar of @adj789
how is this guy still making movies
Avatar of @williambeckett6336
WTH are the Cinema Snob segments? A BREATH away fromm unsubscribing.
Avatar of @seanryan3020
Not having seen this movie, I can say with confidence that this is the best movie he's made since his last one!
Avatar of @briankelly130
I liked the movie overall but I swear, one of the dads (let's say it's the one who doesn't get the head injury) really bothered the hell out of me. It's like, let's do the "Skeptic until the very end" character you see in supernatural horror movies and tack on self-victimisation. As someone who is gay, I've grown to really despise the "I'm gay, in your face about it and anyone who doesn't accept everything I do is just a hater" trope you see in gay fiction. Other than that, it was a very enjoyable movie.
Avatar of @jeffr23817
I thought this movie was great! Bautista really surprised me too! His acting is phenomenal in it! Especially toward the end!
Avatar of @druid9653
I just finished watching this movie like 40 minutes ago and I enjoyed watching this movie. I’m really thinking of going to see it again soon.
Avatar of @robkinney1974
Looks like a Cabin in the Woods knockoff.
Avatar of @user-dr2yz8um3d
Finally saw Knock at the Cabin
Had no idea it was based on a book
I thought this was good not great
Shyamalan is known for delivering good stories ripe with suspense and signature twist endings
This one felt like it was missing that spark he used to have
He does get great performances from Bautista shifting from his wrestling career to more dramatic parts
The little girl played by Kristen Cui brings good genuine warmth to the whole hostage situation
You can truly see the desperation in these peoples' eyes as they want this family of three to make a decision quick
Some of the cinematography is very good yet the extreme close ups are somewhat distracting next to some very standard dialogue
It's very bloodless when it come to the violence coming off as tame
Flashbacks do feel padding and there's dumb decisions by some of these players
But the acting is what really holds this together by everyone
The film could've benefited from a stronger script and more interesting story beats
Still it's a good moral on how we feel about if is humanity worth saving with a love story at the core
Anyone else disappointed that certain scenes didn’t make the final cut? That church one for example was only in the trailer
Avatar of @karlkarlos3545
Wait a minute? Are the cinema snob episodes now only available for patreon people?
Avatar of @scaleitback1055
Bradtista looks both inviting and terrifying
Avatar of @EpicLebaneseNerd
just saw it, went in blind, didn't even see a trailer since i wanted to be shocked and i did, and i loved it.
Avatar of @titusmccarthy
Grade for me is E. Really bad stupid movie made for the Stupids who find this kind of rehashed crap interesting.
Avatar of @Topdoggie7
The movie is definitely well-acted out but it goes against the book and it just becomes mean-spirited and annoying because the book points out that they don't want to do a certain thing yet the movie does that certain thing and it just deffies the rules set in the book.
Avatar of @user-dr2yz8um3d
Low and behold, it’s already 1 year old!

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