From Director and co-writer M. Night Shyamalan comes Knock at the Cabin, based on the book by Paul Tremblay, about a couple who are forced to make a decision which could bring about the apocalypse.
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It's hard to talk about this movie without spoilers because that's pretty much the only thing to talk about... Are they crazy or are they for real? And then once the movie answers that at the end you're kind of like "....oh... Ok" lol.
I feel like I miss an announcement.
Had no idea it was based on a book
I thought this was good not great
Shyamalan is known for delivering good stories ripe with suspense and signature twist endings
This one felt like it was missing that spark he used to have
He does get great performances from Bautista shifting from his wrestling career to more dramatic parts
The little girl played by Kristen Cui brings good genuine warmth to the whole hostage situation
You can truly see the desperation in these peoples' eyes as they want this family of three to make a decision quick
Some of the cinematography is very good yet the extreme close ups are somewhat distracting next to some very standard dialogue
It's very bloodless when it come to the violence coming off as tame
Flashbacks do feel padding and there's dumb decisions by some of these players
But the acting is what really holds this together by everyone
The film could've benefited from a stronger script and more interesting story beats
Still it's a good moral on how we feel about if is humanity worth saving with a love story at the core
Anyone else disappointed that certain scenes didn’t make the final cut? That church one for example was only in the trailer
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