#knockatthecabin KNOCK AT THE CABIN Review! Spoiler Free! Knock At The Cabin is M Night Shyamalan’s newest thriller starring David Bautista Jonathan Groff Ben Aldridge and Kristen Cui. Knock at the Cabin is about a small family having to make a tough choice when Dave Bautista shows up at their cabin in the woods telling them they have to do something terrible or the world will end. It’s definitely not the most surprising M Night Shyamalan film but it asks some gnarly questions and A Knock at the Cabin is one I totally recommend as a professed M Nighty Shyamalan fan. 🎃 Join us on Patreon so we can make more content and get the WWAM up in everybody MICHAEL!!!!
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Coincidentally, Pearl finally coming out in the U.K. in March!
Thanks for the review Mike great job 👍
Finally rest in peace George P Wilbur actor of Michael Myers in Halloween 4 and 6 you will be missed 😞
...except the village 👀
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