Knock At The Cabin REVIEW

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#knockatthecabin KNOCK AT THE CABIN Review! Spoiler Free! Knock At The Cabin is M Night Shyamalan’s newest thriller starring David Bautista Jonathan Groff Ben Aldridge and Kristen Cui. Knock at the Cabin is about a small family having to make a tough choice when Dave Bautista shows up at their cabin in the woods telling them they have to do something terrible or the world will end. It’s definitely not the most surprising M Night Shyamalan film but it asks some gnarly questions and A Knock at the Cabin is one I totally recommend as a professed M Nighty Shyamalan fan. 🎃 Join us on Patreon so we can make more content and get the WWAM up in everybody MICHAEL!!!!

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Avatar of @FlettsMoviesAndPopCulture13
Awesome Review Mike definitely agree
Avatar of @tangerinemisfit
Gonna go see it on Monday. Would’ve gone today but I live in a country that has train strikes every month.

Coincidentally, Pearl finally coming out in the U.K. in March!
Avatar of @blufandom1475
I been watching your videos awhile now and fastly learning you are so homoerotic with your words sometimes lol but I think that keeps me coming back and watching your videos! So it's a good thing! Can't wait to check out this Movie!
Avatar of @chillwillfromtheville
I knew Bautista was had acting chops from his small role in Blade Runner 2049.
Avatar of @mornecloete4250
Can't wait to check it out 🍻
Avatar of @joemedeiros3610
Hey Mike I really enjoyed this movie very good acting especially Dave Bautista and Ben Aldridge and also it was very tense and also thought the score was awesome as well strong 8/10 for me thanks for the vid as always
Avatar of @toneingegni8708
" hurtin' for certain."
Avatar of @DGartner
Happy Friday Mike. Great Review. Hope You Have A Wonderful Weekend.
Avatar of @hanginwithyourbuds6240
I wonder how many people aren't gonna watch this movie just because the parents are gay....I bet it's a depressing amount. I'm not gay but I believe everyone should be able to do what they want as long as they're not hurting anyone and some of the stuff I've heard people say about this movie without even seeing it is shameful.
Avatar of @connorredshaw7994
Really looking forward to seeing this Dave bautista is a great actor.

Thanks for the review Mike great job 👍

Finally rest in peace George P Wilbur actor of Michael Myers in Halloween 4 and 6 you will be missed 😞
Avatar of @flixsymmetry
Cabin in the Woods, Knock at the Cabin, Cabin Fever, my grandma and grandpa’s cabin - all fun! Can’t wait to watch it!
Avatar of @50ShadesOfMayan
Movie 🎥 Was Something Else
Avatar of @n1kkmoviezz463
Slightly curious about this
Avatar of @victorzambrano4136
That's a dope ZS Justice League shirt Mike! I might check this one out this weekend. M night is very mixed he's made some gems but some stinkers too.
Avatar of @karlkelly1082
Awesome video!
Avatar of @Dontannoyme34894
Zaddy mike 🧡
Avatar of @harrisonwilkinson9525
Going in a few hours can’t wait
Avatar of @chetplease
the last sentence in this video is the best thing today (or any day)
Avatar of @Zay6005
Dave Bautista KILLED IT
Avatar of @nomadicdrone
I really really liked this movie. I do think the R rating was bs bc literally there is no red stuff hardly and it must be for the f bombs but...I really thought this film uilt great tension and did really great at sending a not so obvious message about how trauma if mishandled can cost us more than just our personal dignity or ego. Anyway awesome review and awesome movie one of his better I feel
Avatar of @humaninstrumentality5727
Thanks for the shirt choice. It's been tough for us recently 😢
Avatar of @mayzo51184
Aww man! I read the book and I think you're right about the discussions that are gonna be brought up with this movie. I do want to see it to compare it to the book. I'm glad to hear that the acting was good in it and you enjoyed the movie for what it was. I'll have to come back once I've seen the movie to comment more. Great review!
Avatar of @zackzaharko89
The ending felt a bit anticlimactic to me, so overall I felt a bit underwhelmed. However, I really enjoyed the performances especially Rupert & Bautista. The couple did a great job as well. Always enjoy the anticipation of an M. Night film.
Avatar of @Mr.Masenko
Dave Bautista was amazing in this! He really does have the best range out of all the wrestlers turned actors
Avatar of @Myersmad316
Great Vid Mike love your reviews, hate to say i really didnt enjoy this movie, was pretty much the same as the book bar one slight change. Batista was great but the rest was just MEEEEH for me!
Avatar of @iamJoJoCortes
High Noon at Mega Mountain, 🤣🤣🤣-- memory unlocked!
Avatar of @Atnextc2
it was definitely a film that came out that I watched....
Avatar of @JR-bu7we
Dave Bautista deserves so much credit. Actually an incredible actor - gotta be the best “wrestler actor” of all time. The guy killed it.
Avatar of @dthill96
Missed 3 minutes of it cuz my mom walked into the wrong theater 🙄. But I think it’s one of Night’s most intense 🎥’s. Halfway through the 📕 and I’ll probably go see again. Loved the opening credits (the universal logo was cool but the credits font in the beginning pulled me back into 90s suspense/horror 🎥s)
Avatar of @RedRedDaDon
I wasn't feeling it, 4 out of 10.
Avatar of @nathanielbacon2661
I thought this movie was very disappointing. There was basically no plot. Just 2 hours of 2 guys tied up watching people preach to them and then kill themselves one by one until the "twist"...which isn't even a twist.
Avatar of @sierraashley023
Cant wait to watch this. Love M. Night
...except the village 👀
Avatar of @swavezmartin
This is definitely his best movie 😊

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