Knock At The Cabin REVIEW – One Of M. Night Shyamalan’s Best Movies?!

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Knock At The Cabin REVIEW – Did M. Night Shyamalan Finally Deliver Again?! Is this one of his Best Movies?

Movie Review by Andy Signore of Popcorned Planet – Knock at the Cabin is a 2023 American apocalyptic psychological horror film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, who wrote the screenplay from an initial draft by Steve Desmond and Michael Sherman. It is based on the 2018 novel The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul G. Tremblay; it is the first adaptation of one of his works. The film stars Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Kristen Cui, Abby Quinn, and Rupert Grint.

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Avatar of @marbles8120
Love your movie world content! Keep it comin!
Avatar of @TerrellAustin1994
Avatar of @ausrav3116
Hi👋Will you watch series THE LAST OF US ?
Avatar of @milestrombley1466
Good, maybe better than Old.
Avatar of @LynLyn0428
Yay! I might be watching this today then 😊
Avatar of @margiem.1085
"Signs" was great!
Avatar of @geoffrobinson
Signs was good. Will die on this hill.
Avatar of @Danetto
what are u talking about? glass is leaps better than split. surely unbreakable is the og, but glass is a really good movie actually
Avatar of @Truewooper
Love the movies. Wish we could have a debate show again.
Avatar of @kandiman562
I agree six sense, signs, and split are all enjoyable films ♥️
Avatar of @jenvampvegas4571
This is based on a book, and it is very faithful to the book in the first 2/3. The book is a great read with a better ending, but they did good with the movie. Highly recommend the book if you enjoyed the film.
Avatar of @rupman27isback
What's the hate with Lady in the Water? I never understood the hate on that one. Such a unique story, great characters, amazing message and incredible score by James Newton Howard.

Same with After Earth, it definitely wasn't boring. I thought the idea of earth being a force that kills you is an interesting idea. Also, again many great messages in the movie.
Avatar of @digbylicious70
I loved the Village and I also enjoyed Old. I know it might not have been for everyone, but in a post pandemic world, I thought it was a wonderful use of having to adapt the film to restrictive covid rules and the premise of testing medicine in a few days as opposed to years was interesting.
Avatar of @actrambley21
I was disappointed with this film. I thought that it was too simple, and left so much on the table that was ignored. I don't get the praise that it has been getting. The acting is good, but the story needed more meat to be truly memorable.
Avatar of @tronlorne9328
More bad films than good ? Not at all
Avatar of @hundohan3280
Can’t believe the ending was so predictable. Everything else was great
Avatar of @Trav2733
Just got out of the theater. This movie was so terrible. Save your money.
Avatar of @carafro8108
I love his films. The village freaked me out but I loved it and I really dug lady in the water as well
Avatar of @nrgbunni.
Absolutely loved this movie, watched it at the cinema today. Dave bautista deserves an award for his performance
Avatar of @janet5788
Just don't even get me started on the Last Airbender!!! So disappointing!
Avatar of @rageintothelight
Signs is my favorite movie of his 👋
Avatar of @waterdragon2224
I’d love to see a M. Night/Burton collaboration.
Avatar of @TrekBeatTK
I must be the only person who likes Lady in the Water. It’s the only one I own.
Avatar of @laceandribbonsviolin
8:00 I get that a lot of people didn’t like The Village but I loved it. I mean if those people really were out in the woods trying to sound all 17th Century their dialogue (conversation) would be awkward. I loved it for the story line, the twist, the characters, the setting, the premise of their community, the aesthetic, and Ivy’s bravery. Also the actors were all perfectly cast in my opinion. But I’m a Calico Critter so of course I’m gonna love period films.
Avatar of @leanne9554
It's terrible 😂😂😂 I was really disappointed as I was looking forward to it.
Avatar of @ryansalazaracosta2596
Shyamalan is a Maestro.
Avatar of @tampaflbeastforlife
he had people to help him with the scrip this time that's why it wasn't so bad lol

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