Tip Tip Tippin On Hardwood Doors! KNOCK AT THE CABIN Movie Reaction, First Time Watching

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If you like strange biblical speechifyin and having to choose between bad and worse, then you’ll love this full movie reaction to M. Night Shyamalan’s Knock At The Cabin!

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Avatar of @ChumChumSauce
A late night post! Yay, Ly Alanda ☺️
Avatar of @jenniferdarling6
I really like M.Night, let's watch The Visit!
Avatar of @jarmonaaa
Honestly, the ending to the book (The Cabin at the End of the World) is so much better and more heartbreaking than the movie, like 10000% worse
Avatar of @melissaroszkowski8911
Every time I see that Cannon Beach shot I think of my time in OR.
Avatar of @BOOcketMan
the book is in my tbr so i'll watch this in a few days when i get through it!
Avatar of @baibai9563
yes definitely watch Split
Avatar of @darryljack6612
I honestly didnt expect to tear up watching this movie when i saw it in the theatre, the ending hit me especially hard. Along with the 4 horsemen thing I also kinda got a savior/messiah image from Eric and a punisher/condemner image from Andrew. especially with their discussion of if humanity was worth it or not. Also Bautista's acting was really great too, he really sold the gentle giant character who has to do something that he really doesnt want to.
Avatar of @sirherothebrave
I much prefer the books ending better , but I do respect the ending Night went with. He put his own ideals into it, which I personally don't subscribe to but still worked well. Normal for an adaptation, so was not surprised much by the ending change. I saw this in theaters, and for me it was a movie that had to stew. Once it did I liked it much more, it was cool to see him try something like this. Devil was probably the closest thing similar to this one.
Avatar of @lynthia
Yes! The Unbreakable trilogy is top tier MNS movie mysteries.
Avatar of @briannayoung5412
Why does the antagonists introducing themselves sound like something said at a support group? Am I the only one who finds this hilarious and creepy, at the same time? 😂
Avatar of @Hey_Jamie
It pisses me off that they killed the horsemen inside the house. Like, you guys are so polite and thoughtful but you can’t make that mess outside?!
Avatar of @gonzotheweird5348
I would've sacrificed the child. I'm not taking out my husband who I knew longer, who will be my support mentally, emotionally and physically when this is all said and done. I would need an adult, not a child. We can adopt again.. Maybe?
Avatar of @markarianaddison4406
Listen i know she was going through it watching the first one but she should finish the texas chainsaw massarce franchise
Avatar of @liamowens2658
Was catching up on your vids that I missed out on and was just about to go to bed, but you gotta know I'm watching this before I knock out for the night!
Avatar of @RckrGrl2010
Mannn if the director had kept the storyline just like the book when it comes to Wen…Alandra would be soooo sad 😢😂
Avatar of @squidthing
Catholic school really did a number on M. Night Shyamalan...
Avatar of @screamismylife3544
Hey I love your videos sooooo much and I was wondering if we can watch ready or not it’s really good and has a CRAZY twist at the end you won’t see coming❤
Avatar of @funty420
Swisher sweets... every day i am grateful to have found your channel. love you xo
Avatar of @jroindesign
Happy Birthday month!! Live it up and celebrate yourself, even if you miss a week! 🎉🎉
P.s… but please never leave us because we love watching movies with you each week! 😂❤ Thank you for all the time you put into making us laugh and having some fun, positive energy to look forward to each week.
Avatar of @michaelschwartz8730
Boogie Shoes: The Movie?
Avatar of @mandapanda2847
I would love to see you react to the Split trilogy. Unbreakable, Split and then Glass. The first two especially are brilliant movies!
Avatar of @WAYUPDUDE1382
Avatar of @dylangintherofficial
I should be seeing the mother fucking rainbow by now

Quote of the century right there
Avatar of @apizzathatgiantforthesimpl5191
The ending of the movie at least had a happier? ending than the devastating ending of the book (MAJOR SPOILERS):

At the end of the book Wen is accidentally shot and killed in the fight over the gun between Andrew and Leonard. Leonard is horrified and wracked with guilt but is not sure if the sacrifice will count. Sabrina decides enough is enough and kills Leonard before offering to lead Andrew and Eric to the truck. However, when they get there, Sabrina shoots herself (it is never revealed if she does it of her own volition or if some entity behind this is controlling her). Then Eric offers to be the sacrifice by pointing the gun at himself, fully convinced it's real. Andrew talks him down and convinces him no matter what that the family will not hurt each other and they will go on. And...that's it. That’s where the book ends. It's never revealed whether the apocalypse scenario was real or not and the reader is left to make up their own minds about everything that just happened.
Avatar of @m9eleven
If you’re going to watch Split, you have to do Unbreakable and Glass too 😊 it’s a trilogy..
Avatar of @just_likemagic9742
This ep couldn’t have come at a better time queen 🙏🏻❣️
Avatar of @airmykii4090
Yeeeeesss please watch unbreakable & split & glass … sorry 😞 that’s technically a spoiler I’m not saying why though but to watch split you have to have seen unbreakable first .. DO IT FOR BRUCE WILLIS!!!
Avatar of @shawnhall9792
I think you'd enjoy the movie split I was blown away from the acting it was really good creepy but good lol
Avatar of @NFK8
I tried reading the book but gave up on it because it was so weird and I was not interested but the film was pretty good!
Avatar of @DKay-gl3hv
The book was better.
Avatar of @willowdragonssacredfire6380
Happy Birthday girl!! Hope your birthday month is awesome. I didn't see this but omg looks like Ron went all Death Eater and shit damn
Avatar of @sim_ne
Yesss watch split it’s not bad like how you imagine it
Avatar of @willowdragonssacredfire6380
Also didn't know Dave Bautista could be so freaking creepy damn
Avatar of @watermelon..baby12
I’m not doing too good this week and this movie won’t make it any better but you’re fun to watch.
Avatar of @doryinsanime6862
I love your reaction & when I watched this movie I was really impressed this movie.
Avatar of @vadalia3860
I feel the love for Daddy Andrew, he was definitely serving primo husband vibes.
Avatar of @willowdragonssacredfire6380
Also don't know l have to agree with dudes l watch a lot that reviewed this that damn tital wave looked a bit too CGI lol l would be like yeah I need more freaking evidence Drax
Avatar of @NadeemShekh-uy9zn
Have you seen RRR
Avatar of @one_for_one
Please don't watch split for the channel. It has alot of really gross myths about people with DID in it and functionally is just using the misunderstanding of a real condition to create a "monster".
Avatar of @sungchanie
I REALLY love Split but as a enjoyer of your content I'll be really honest in this comment. There’s things on the movie that you explict told in your other videos that you don't like to watch, so I don't think you will like as much. I find the scenes quite heavy you know
Avatar of @sylverlokkshinbreaker6090
Split and Glass make a great pair of movies and end to a certain trilogy.
Avatar of @MylonWest
A good movie you should watch is “Mother!” with Jennifer Lawrence, it’s twisted, confusing.. but I’m sure you’ll make sense of it
Avatar of @ace-of-teacups
I'd have shot Leonard right after I shot Sabrina D:
Avatar of @ace-of-teacups
(Btw, I believed them really early on for some reason. I was Eric in this)
Avatar of @jaspyr88
Going back through all the comments from the last 3 months, a gathered response hasn’t been looked into sooooo
Avatar of @callherfoofoo
The rock vs Batista... I would eat him smorgasbord style🤭
Avatar of @callherfoofoo
M. Night Is the Kanye of movie cinema.. you just gotta ride with it and accept the journey ❤
Avatar of @BrettJamesBishop
Eeeek... I almost didn't want to LIKE this because my LIKE is number 666........
But I did because I love your videos and love you in a YouTube love kinda way. Haha. Keep up the great work! BTW, Split is an amazing movie. Its follow up Glass is the definition of misfire.

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