WWE Legend Batista Disappoints in New Movie “Knock At The Cabin”

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Avatar of @NY-Buddy
Real wrestling fan have seen Batista shoot Ja Rule in the head!
Thats was his breakout movie

Let me stop, but that movie was good tho. They was just a bunch of wrestlers in it for no reason
Avatar of @stephdelz8844
Hmm...The Rock and John Cena are able to leverage their starpower more so than Batista. Batista does put more overall effort into acting than both The Rock and Cena, but I don't think his starpower translates as well as does Cena's and The Rock's starpower.
Avatar of @raexv1
dave already differentiated himself from the other two. he’s shown on multiple occasions he’s a very good legitimate actor who can do a variety of roles.
Avatar of @DarkPikachuYTV
He forgot the Miz ?
Avatar of @kelz2.0
Batista isn't a bad actor, I would put him above Dwayne
Avatar of @hatednyc
He’s already way past all other wrestling actors. You’re delusional.
Avatar of @Ahmed-og2jm
He already established himself as a better actor then both....i think at least
Avatar of @itamarstrauss5170
I mean... M night Shyamalan is a bad director what did you expect? Also Batista doesn't need a breakout roll he is already known, and if were talking acting ability I think he's the best wrestler turned actor
Avatar of @joeyrigney5179
His performance in guardians and bladerunner proved already that he’s a fantastic actor. Why do people think he needs to prove himself more??
Not sure how I feel about it. James Gunn was smart with how he used Dave. Limited to background dialogue. There wasn’t room to not like his performance because it didn’t require much.

I wonder if these film makers didn’t use him properly, or if they did and were trying to do the James Gunn thing and only show his strengths and underused him because they didn’t want to show any of his potential flaws. Depends on how much growth he’s had as an actor, I don’t pay enough attention to know for sure.
Avatar of @michaelcarrig627
Batista has already differentiated himself by being in really good movies like Blade Runner 2049 and Dune, as well as good movies like Glass Onion. He has better taste in rolls. He has some stinkers, but he takes risks that neither the rock nor Cena are willing to take.
Avatar of @moshindig222
Here's my thing he's already differentiated himself from the other guys. The Rock and John Cena always play some version of themselves. Dave Bautista actually takes the role to a different level
Avatar of @SteppinOnThem
I still say BATISTA is better than both Cena and The Rock. He can actually becomes character while John and the rock Just act them. You can look at all John's and Dewaynes Movies it's just them while you have BATISTA on the other hand you see that character not "oh that is BATISTA the wwe superstar" everytime you see him on screen. Yeah there definitely is that memorabilia "oh that's BATISTA" but you don't say that everytime
Avatar of @TheSLIipKNoTLiFe
Imo he’s a better actor than the rock and Cena combined
Avatar of @Madchad6969
People just got to watch batista in blade runner 2049
Avatar of @michaelstreet3038
This was Batista's SOUTHLAND TALES. Rock had some weird roles early on. Cena kills it in peacemaker but he also had some odd films too...C*CK BLOCKERS anyone hahhaa why can't they all just be applauded for transitioning into acting better than Terry funk or hulk Hogan did. Sh*t best wrestler actor ever is Roddy Piper anyways hahaha
Avatar of @charlesbaker7505
In all honesty, Batista was the best part about the movie, came across very unsettling
Avatar of @ayan31_08
Batistaa has already set himself apart from Rock and John Cena. He has range and actually can act and is getting better too
Avatar of @hunterrogers-kvistad9789
Yes it was that movie he’s killed it
Avatar of @eltoro_ttv
Much like The Rock in DOOM, he was casted in the wrong role.
Avatar of @TheWill0fStrength
Lol this YouTuber is a nobody.... Actual professional critics say Dave Bautista was real good! Especially his crazy ending

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